Fiche cheval happy du caieu
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 5 | far west | H8 | 6a4a3a5a1a7a | franzl josef | 2.4/1 | 1:17:6 |
2 | 2 | esebio d'ourville (fr) | H9 | 4a2a8aDa4a3a | fischer christoph | 8.6/1 | 1:18:0 |
3 | 9 | zucchero | H8 | 1a4a3a2a2a1a | platzer peter | 4.7/1 | 1:17:7 |
4 | 10 | fan d'arifant | H8 | 4a1a4a2a3a3a | kubes erich | 2.9/1 | 1:17:0 |
5 | 1 | aperol cg | H9 | 2a8a9a2a2a5a | strobl lukas | 80/1 | 1:18:6 |
6 | 4 | nashua | M8 | 8a4a8aDa4a9a | larsen michael | 50/1 | 1:18:8 |
8 | 3 | gala petteviniere (fr) | H7 | 6a9a8a5a6a8a | fleschhut epimach | 32/1 | 1:18:9 |
6 | happy du caieu | H6 | 7aDa0aDaDa0a | sparber josef | 51/1 | ||
7 | 7 | gold and green | H7 | 3a9a2a5a2aDa | geineder andreas | 25/1 | 1:18:8 |
8 | it's day | H5 | 1a8a6a7a3aDa | schwarz christoph | 4.3/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 5 | hamptons | M5 | 2a1a6a5a5a5a | g. gelormini | 1.9/1 | 1:13:3 |
2 | 6 | happy danover | H5 | 3aDa0a4a5a3a | d. thomain | 8.6/1 | 1:13:5 |
3 | 3 | hope you can | H5 | 6a3a2a8a4a7a | p.a. delacour | 13/1 | 1:13:6 |
4 | 2 | hartford | H5 | 1aDaDaDm4m0a | y. lebourgeois | 12/1 | 1:13:6 |
5 | 1 | haldo d'ymer | H5 | 3a8a7a1a2a4a | g. simon | 37/1 | 1:13:7 |
6 | 14 | harley du cherisay | H5 | 2a4a6a3a5a1a | n. chereau | 25/1 | 1:13:7 |
7 | 8 | helios djema | H5 | 9a8a4a9a(21) | s. hardy | 72/1 | 1:13:8 |
8 | 9 | harlem loca | H5 | Da0aDm7a3a2a | le bec | 147/1 | 1:13:8 |
9 | 4 | hampton america | H5 | 0a2aDa1a1aAa | a. lamy | 10/1 | 1:15:1 |
10 | 12 | hokusai | H5 | 5a0a0a0aDaDa | ch. lebissonnais | 130/1 | 1:15:2 |
11 | 13 | hellu danepierre | H5 | Da6a2a7a4a1a | cedric terry | 66/1 | 1:15:8 |
7 | helios du noyer | H5 | 5a2a4a3a2a5a | a. hubert | 15/1 | ||
10 | happy du caieu | H5 | 0a9a8aDa0a1a | m. mottier | 34/1 | ||
11 | hibiscus de maisy | H5 | Da5a7a7a2a6a | f. lagadeuc | 11/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 5 | hide destin | H5 | Da5a0a7a(21) | c. mesnil | 2.6/1 | 1:14:8 |
2 | 8 | hermes express | H5 | 2a3a1a3aDa2a | mlle b. bossuet | 2.7/1 | 1:14:9 |
3 | 1 | huron des landiers | H5 | 7a8a0aDa5a(2 | b. hardy | 41/1 | 1:14:9 |
4 | 7 | haikido | H5 | 6a5a5aDa3aDa | beaufils | 9.9/1 | 1:15:1 |
5 | 2 | hallo de crennes | H5 | 6a0a3a7a8aDa | mlle a. poulain | 34/1 | 1:15:1 |
6 | 4 | hautain de houelle | H5 | 7a0aDa0a(21) | v. hunault | 24/1 | 1:15:2 |
7 | 10 | hacker de mahey | H5 | 0a0a4a4a0a0a | e. le bec | 65/1 | 1:16:2 |
8 | 9 | happy du caieu | H5 | Da0a1a1a7a(2 | h. baumer | 16/1 | 1:16:2 |
9 | 3 | hapache de bordas | H5 | DaDa7a2a2a3a | mlle m.l. couanon | 53/1 | 1:16:3 |
6 | herbal de vandel | H5 | 4aDa2aDa1a5a | g. baudouin | 6.6/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 5 | houragan danguy | H5 | 3a6a(21)9a8a | y. lebourgeois | 3.6/1 | 1:15:3 |
2 | 1 | henry de trouville | H5 | 0aDaDa0aDa0a | f. lagadeuc | 35/1 | 1:15:3 |
3 | 12 | hold up d'eri | H5 | 3aDaDaDa2aDm | e. szirmay | 5.6/1 | 1:15:6 |
4 | 13 | hypso des caillons | H5 | 5a4aDa7aDa7a | d. thomain | 6.4/1 | 1:15:0 |
5 | 3 | helia de bruyere | F5 | 3a2aDa7a5aRa | a. mallet | 15/1 | 1:15:7 |
6 | 6 | heros barbes | H5 | 6aDm7a4aDa0a | m. barre | 43/1 | 1:15:8 |
7 | 11 | hapuna beach | F5 | 5a0a6a2a5a5a | ch. boisnard | 16/1 | 1:15:9 |
8 | 2 | hola du roussoir | F5 | 4a0a5a6a8aDa | ch. dreux | 48/1 | 1:16:0 |
9 | 14 | hosanna de meslay | F5 | 0a0a9a7a0a6a | mlle c. cheradame | 97/1 | 1:15:4 |
10 | 9 | hazel an heol | F5 | 3a9a0aDaDa(2 | r. metayer | 23/1 | 1:16:1 |
4 | hermione phil | F5 | 5a5a0a(21)1a | l. aube | 20/1 | ||
7 | hobby de ferol | H5 | 0aAaDa(21)0a | j.m. godard | 195/1 | ||
8 | hostia maris | F5 | 0a8a0aDaDa1a | j. rosenzweig | /1 | ||
10 | hymne merite | H5 | 4a1a5a3a0aDa | guillaume martin | 11/1 | ||
15 | happy du caieu | H5 | 0a1a1a7a(21) | s. ernault | 5.6/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 4 | have dream beylev | H5 | 9aDa5a2a(21) | m. mottier | 6.6/1 | 1:16:2 |
2 | 6 | hampton du vivier | M5 | 2a7a(21)9a1a | s. ernault | 2.4/1 | 1:16:3 |
3 | 10 | houston tuilerie | H5 | DaDa1aDa1a6a | mlle cl. desmontils | 22/1 | 1:15:6 |
4 | 3 | hatout de connee | H5 | 9aDa3a0a(21) | y. lebourgeois | 29/1 | 1:16:4 |
5 | 13 | hide destin | H5 | 0a7a(21)6a8a | theo duvaldestin | 8.9/1 | 1:15:8 |
6 | 8 | hamour tejy | H5 | 8a6a4a5a5a8a | ch. chalon | 142/1 | 1:16:5 |
7 | 2 | honey de ginai | H5 | 4a9a7a8a0a(2 | b. rochard | 21/1 | 1:16:6 |
8 | 14 | heaven star | H5 | 8m1a8a4a(21) | mme d. beaufils ernault | 119/1 | 1:15:9 |
9 | 18 | hulk vivanciere | H5 | 1a2a1a(21)7a | j. planchard | 19/1 | 1:15:9 |
10 | 17 | hamilton fouteau | H5 | 5a5a3a1a4a9a | ch. dreux | 19/1 | 1:16:1 |
11 | 1 | hiroy de la basle | H5 | 0a6a8a(21)9a | s. hardy | 122/1 | 1:16:8 |
5 | heros la ravelle | H5 | 5a3a5a3a0a(2 | e.g. blot | 45/1 | ||
7 | horizon celeste | H5 | 6aDa3a6a5aDa | s. douaneau | 132/1 | ||
9 | hannibal mesange | H5 | 3mDm8a4a5a(2 | s. perraguin | 125/1 | ||
11 | horse du hennequin | H5 | 5m1a3a7a2a(2 | s. baude | 131/1 | ||
12 | hommage de tillard | H5 | 5aDa1a5aDa9a | f. harel | 134/1 | ||
15 | happy du caieu | H5 | 1a1a7a(21)6a | ploquin | 9.7/1 | ||
16 | hold up des ventes | H5 | 3aDa7a(21)8a | m. gilard | 10/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 16 | happy du caieu | H5 | 1a7a(21)6aDm | ploquin | 14/1 | 1:16:4 |
2 | 6 | herbal de vandel | H5 | Da1a5a3aDa(2 | monclin | 4.2/1 | 1:16:5 |
3 | 5 | henry de l'eclair | H5 | 4a5a3a2a5a(2 | f. anne | 9.4/1 | 1:16:6 |
4 | 2 | huberus | M5 | 3a3a3a2a8a7a | ch. chalon | 10/1 | 1:16:6 |
5 | 7 | hugo the boss | H5 | 6m3a4a0a2a(2 | f. lecanu | 17/1 | 1:16:6 |
6 | 1 | he's back roc | M5 | 5a1a5a3a5a(2 | b. le beller | 16/1 | 1:16:6 |
7 | 10 | horse fashion | H5 | DaDm1m7aDa4a | b.r. plaire | 70/1 | 1:16:8 |
8 | 12 | higouen | H5 | 2a3a3aDa3a3a | ch. boisnard | 24/1 | 1:16:8 |
9 | 13 | hippo de pommeraye | H5 | 3a0a3a0a6a9a | p.l. rousseau | 45/1 | 1:17:1 |
10 | 15 | harry du bourg | H5 | 0aRa0aDm8m(2 | p. hornoy | 121/1 | 1:18:3 |
3 | holiday dream | H5 | Da0a0a9a0m4a | a. barrier | 21/1 | ||
4 | harlem de l'iton | H5 | 8a6a8aDa3a6a | t. de genouillac | 6.9/1 | ||
8 | hold up meslois | H5 | DaDaDa4a3a(2 | p. belloche | 19/1 | ||
9 | houston tuilerie | H5 | 1aDa1a6a(21) | mlle cl. desmontils | 8.7/1 | ||
11 | houston de cuigny | H5 | DmDaDa1a7a(2 | s. dieudonne | 22/1 | ||
14 | hapache de bordas | H5 | 7a2a2a3a4a4a | a. lamy | 15/1 |
Arr | N* | Nom | S/A | Musique | Driver | Cote | |
1 | 17 | heraldique | M5 | 0aDa(21)2a1a | m. esper | 8.1/1 | 1:12:7 |
2 | 5 | haribo jeloca | H5 | 9a7a2a4a9a3a | dersoir | 23/1 | 1:13:0 |
3 | 11 | hamptons | M5 | 5a8a3a(21)Da | dubois | 3.2/1 | 1:13:0 |
4 | 10 | hampton america | H5 | Da2a1a(21)Da | a. abrivard | 7.1/1 | 1:13:6 |
5 | 15 | harlem loca | H5 | 0a6a9a(21)1a | le bec | 190/1 | 1:13:7 |
6 | 3 | henao de victhi | H5 | 1a5a1aDa4a2a | antoine michel fossey | 13/1 | 1:13:8 |
7 | 14 | happy du caieu | H5 | (21)6aDmDa9a | f. nivard | 15/1 | 1:13:9 |
8 | 8 | horse de grammont | H5 | 7a2a2a2a0a5a | j. vanmeerbeck | 20/1 | 1:14:0 |
9 | 9 | hathos depe | H5 | Dm1m1m8mDm3m | y. lorin | 111/1 | 1:14:2 |
10 | 16 | hobson | H5 | 4a(21)2aDaDa | b. rochard | 35/1 | 1:14:2 |
11 | 6 | hippo de pommeraye | H5 | 3a0a6a9a(21) | p.l. rousseau | 49/1 | 1:14:2 |
1 | hellu danepierre | H5 | 2a8a0a2a4a1a | arnaud desmottes | 10/1 | ||
2 | hammerless | H5 | 0a0a5aDaDa3a | mlle c. cheradame | 75/1 | ||
4 | hello daxel | H5 | DaDaDa(21)Da | g. gelormini | 25/1 | ||
7 | hathaway | H5 | 9a0aDa4a3a2a | f. lagadeuc | 8.5/1 | ||
12 | hop d'urzy | H5 | 4a5a0a(21)9a | y. lebourgeois | 25/1 | ||
13 | hier encore | H5 | DaDaDa5m3m6m | g.m. bernier | 252/1 | ||
18 | hunter de la cote | H5 | DaDaDaDa0a7a | loris bizoux | 187/1 |